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The Keys To It All

By April 17, 2012November 9th, 2013Uncategorized

Last month, we led a large missions team to La Ceiba, Honduras.
To be completely honest, it was one of my all time favorite outreaches. From the medical clinics to the school wide assemblies and all the conferences, it was amazing.

The entire week culminated in a two-night, citywide crusade. On the first night, we were honored to have a member of Congress, the Chief of Police, and the Mayor present our ministries with the “key to the city” of La Ceiba before the entire crowd. It was a very special moment and significant honor to have the local authorities welcome us in this way. They key represented their open hearts and desire to give us full access to their community. It was a symbol of their trust in us and commitment to fully support all of our plans in the region.

Jesus did something similar during his ministry. One day he exclaimed to the disciples, “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

He was telling the disciples – you have full access. You have the commitment of heaven. You can influence its activities.

Isn’t it astonishing to consider how many believers go through life with a ring of keys in their hands and never actually use them? They fail to access all the resources from God’s kingdom those keys make available.

You and I are holding on to keys. When you pray on this earth, it releases heaven, but God can never answer a prayer you don’t pray. That’s why Jesus said, “Ask and you will RECEIVE… Knock, and the door will be OPENED.” When you speak with even the smallest degree of faith (like the size of a mustard seed), it causes extraordinary, measurable changes.

Instead of focusing on our keys, we sometimes focus on our problems. Why don’t you take a few minutes and try your keys out. Start to prayerfully “loose on earth” what you need “loosed in heaven” today.

– Dominic

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